Big Data is a term that describes the expansive volume of information - both structured and unstructured; that immerses a business on an everyday premise. In any case, it's not the measure of information that is imperative. It's what organizations do with the information/data that matters. Big data can be broke down for insights that lead to better choices and key business moves.
Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.
Peter Sondergaard , Senior Vice President, Gartner
Big Data will spell the death of customer segmentation and force the marketer to understand each customer as an individual within 18 months or risk being left in the dust.
Ginni Rometty , CEO, IBM
The temptation to form premature theories upon insufficient data is the bane of our profession.
Sherlock Holmes , fictional detective
Hiding within those mounds of data is knowledge that could change the life of a patient, or change the world.
Atul Butte , Stanford
Continuous improvement applied for IT strategy solution to improve customer focus, training, quality management, teamwork, process management, product design, quality culture and hands-on projects to meet the client and organizational standards.
Popular Methods are : Lean, Agile, Kaizen.