
Evaluation of TQM in Meeting Client Expectations within the Context of Consulting Solutions for Information Technology


To evaluate the impact of total quality management (TQM) on "quality improvement" and "performance".

To develop the link between TQM and quality improvement.

To discover the relationship between "quality improvement" and "performance".

Find the exact cause of poor quality, continue to make improvements and performance.

Make a recommendation for TQM on performance to meet the customer's needs and expectation.


What types of training are mandatory to information technology core competency or knowledge?

What is the optimal size of the team to overcome conflict, communication, and productivity?

What is the essential process for product design to overcome the prevention and appraisal cost?

How to link core critical success factors of training, teamwork, and product design to overcome the internal failure and external failure cost?

How to make use of the consulting practice solution as a proactive approach to minimize the cost and time and maximize the organization performance on customer satisfaction, profit, and market share?


Total 51 participants from multiple organizations across the globe (Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America).

Participants Job roles are Top Management, Department Head, Professional, Developers and End-Users.

Participants department are IT Administration, IT Product Design, IT Quality Assurance; IT Support, IT Application and Non-IT.


Variables - Organizational Performance (Dependent Variable) vs. Training, Product Design and Teamwork (Independent Variable).

Data Analysis - Descriptive Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Normality Analysis,

Correlations - Pearson's Correlation, Spearman's Nonparametric Correlations

Regressions - Linear Regression, Multiple Regressions

Moderation Analysis - Partial Moderation, Full Moderation

Mediation Analysis

Method Applied to IT

Continuous improvement applied for IT strategy solution to improve customer focus, training, quality management, teamwork, process management, product design, quality culture and hands-on projects to meet the client and organizational standards.

Popular Methods are : Lean, Agile, Kaizen.

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